I talk about what I have been watching and about comics and such. Just wanna say sorry for being late with this episode. but because of it youll get another regurlar Beastcast and the Halloween special. After that I will be regular again. FOR THE DEATHMUG OF DOOOOOOM!!!!
Download here: Episode 2
In this episode:
Jerry talks public access movie host
Kaiser does a review of Braindead (a pretty bad one)
Jerry does a review of Vamp
I know what you did last episode (Mailbag)
Looks like some guy posted it on youtube, enjoy:
Click on the version you'd like to buy!

Things get a little spooky this month in Mondo Cool Monthly! Check out some good horror movie recommendations and check out the super spooky games the MCM Crew reviewed.
10 Horror Movies for Halloween 2012
Media Zone
Kaiser’s Media Pyramid
Duke Nukem 3D
Stubbs the Zombie Rebel Without a Pulse
Haunting Starring Polterguy
Ghost House
Gungrave Overdose
Batman Arkham Asylum
Vampire Chronicles for Matching Service
Psychic Force Complete
Battlemania 2 (repro)
New on the Site
* username: mondocoolcast