Mega Man is an 1990's animated show based on the popular video game series of the same name. This show is about a boy robot named Rock who gets converted into a battle-bot that goes under the name Megaman. Megaman must protect the world from the dastardly deeds of the mad scientist Dr. Wily who comes up with very insane plans to take Dr. Light's (Megaman's creator) plans or to take over the Earth or even both at the same time. Dr.Wily isn't fighting alone as he has some robots of his own to battle Megaman including: Protoman (Megaman's Brother), Cutman (who has the power to cut stuff through steel as if it were hot butter), Gutsman (a robot with magnificent strength), plus many more like Darkman, Iceman, Crashman who appear on certain episodes unlike the first three robots I mentioned who appear on all of them. Megaman also isn't alone in the fight as he has a sister named Roll who was initially designed to be a housekeeping robot but due to her stubborn nature she is normally out fighting along side with her brother. They also have a very loyal robot canine named Rush who can turn into any type of vehicle for Megaman to ride. Some adventures Megaman will have in this show include: Megaman battling killer robot dinosaurs, rescuing a shrunken Washington D.C; Fighting evil toys, and teaming up with X from Megaman X (wow!). This show sounds really fun right? Well let's see. (Click "Read More" to read the rest of the review to find out).

Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine Part Two is the second and final volume of this action/crime animated series. The show itself is about the adventures of the very beautiful thief named Fujioko Mine who takes only the most valuable and priceless treasures for her ever growing collection. Sadly Fujiko Mine has a deep dark secret and that secret is her dark past which is starting to catch up with her. This dark past I speak of is a man dressed up as an owl who is always haunting her dreams but that is not all as this owl man has also hired another famous thief named Lupin the Third to catch Fujiko Mine and take her back to him... well he tried to as while Lupin the Third does want to catch her he refuses his offer as he wants her all for himself. Where's Fujiko Mine you ask? She suffered a psychotic breakdown during an attempted heist and is currently resting at a house of a samurai named Goemon. Once she awakens she turns on the radio only to find out that there is a thief going around stealing stuff that is claiming to be Fujiko Mine. What is this? Creepy owl dudes, a horny thief, a super samurai, and now a Fujiko Mine impostor? Oh boy what does a girl have to do to get some peace and luxury around here? Welcome to the crazy world of Lupin the Third. (Click "Read More" to read the full review).
Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie is a comedy film starring that bizarre duo Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim (Tim & Eric's Awesome Show, Great Job and Tom Goes to the Mayor). This film is about Tim and Eric and how they were given one-billion dollars (that's right I said one-billion) to make a masterpiece film. Unfortunately the film is a bomb before it has as chance to hit cinemas as due to irresponsible spending and directing the film ends up being a three-minute short about a... no,no,no,no,no, I'm not going to spoil it. The owner of the company isn't too pleased and demands that Tim and Eric give him back the one-billion they were given to make the film. Later that night Tim and Eric become depressed and go on a drug bender but during a trip to the toilet they see a television ad that could help them get out of debt. The television ad is for a position as boss of a mall and promising that the job will earn them one-billion dollars. They waste no time and start preparing to go see about the job by changing their look and coming up with a catchy business name. Once they make it to the mall they see that the place is a complete dump full of homeless people and spoilt yogurt. They agree to run the place and now it is up to them to save the mall. Will Tim and Eric turn this place from "dump" to "greatest mall on Earth"? Will they find that they have a really "Great Job" or will it all be for nothing? (Click "Read More" to read the full review).
A strange handheld device I got ahold of somehow.
Samurai Pizza Cats Collection One contains the first half of the classic animated series from the early nineties. The show itself is about a group of cats who run a pizza store called "Samurai Pizza Cats". The group consists of two boy cats Speedy Cerviche, Guido Anchovy and two girl cats Polly Esther and Francine. While they aren't working hard in making a living with their pizza business they are working even harder at stopping crime as these tough kitties are also superheroes that go by the name "Samurai Pizza Cats"... yes just like the name of their shop. Most of the time the crime is caused by a corrupted politician named The Big Cheese and even though they refer to him as a "rat" he is obviously a "fox". The Big Cheese doesn't work alone as he is also teamed up with the leader of the ninja crows, Jerry Atric. The evil duo conduct schemes that don't make much sense at all and they send out the ninja crows to help put the plans to fruition. The Samurai Pizza Cats battle Big Cheese with the help of their magical weapons but sometimes that's not enough as they often get into deep trouble. Lucky for them they have a rescue team that they call simply by ringing the bells around their neck. Some of the crazy scenarios found in this volume include: Battling giant Swedish robots, dealing with butterflies that can change your gender, an out of control punk band, a very cheeky princess, people getting kidnapped to work on a mine to break into a shopping mall, and going through a marathon to get a starring role in a feature film. That's only a small smidgen of the insanity that this show contains. (Click "Read More" to read the full review).
A weird USB Gamepad I found at the thriftstore.
The film opens up with an execution of the Young Lord who is a little boy and it leaves everyone feeling very upset. We then jump forward into time where we see a very tired and messy samurai walking around with his child. That beat up looking samurai is none other than Ogami who was none other than the executioner of that boy. Ogami is now a hitman for hire so he can make a living for him and his son. After seeing that sad sight we travel back to the past to see the origin of how he came to be in such a sad state. Ogami's wife is suffering from depression from lack of sleep due to having nightmares of ghosts of the people that Ogami has executed. Ogami decides that his wife needs some alone time so she can calm down and takes his son with him to pay his respects in a shrine he built to honor those men who have been executed by his hands. While he is there his wife gets attacked and killed by ninjas who also leave false evidence to point the murder to Ogami. Ogami returns in shock to see his wife has been murdered and then the police come. The police try to arrest him but Ogami finds all of this way to suspicious as the police came into the scene way to fast. He was right as they admit it was a setup so he will lose his job so that their boss will get more political power. Ogami and his son both get sent to death row but break out and go killing all the corrupt. The corrupt boss comes out and makes Ogami an offer he can't possible refuse and he accepts it. Now we cut back to the present where Ogami has accepted a job to assassinate four men hiding in a bathhouse. He makes it to the bathhouse and sees that the men he has to kill have captured the whole place and treat all who end up there like dirt. Ogami is no acceptation to them and he gets captured and thrown in with the other guests and staff... or did he let them capture him on purpose? (Click "Read More" to read the full review).
James Kaiser here and welcome to another installment of KNN (Kaiser News Network). Hanabee has announced some very exciting titles at Supanova Brisbane and Supanova Adelaide. In Brisbane they announced "Accel World" which the first volume will hit Australian stores next year at Feburary 8th. That's not all as they also announced "BTOOOM!" and "Oreshura" which will also hit shelves February 8th.
If that's not enough over at Supanova Adelaide Hanabee announced some titles that got me really darn excited. "Cardfight Vanguard", "Case Closed", and "Girls und Panzer". Girls und Panzer is set to come out March 5th next year while Cardfight Vangurad and Cased Close are yet to have release dates. There is more information on the shows after the jump but until then I'm James Kaiser and I'll see you next time on KNN.
Tsuritama is a show about a young teenaged boy named Yuki Sanada who has just moved with his moderately attractive grandmother to a small island called Enoshima. Yuki has some social problems where he gets really nervous when in front of large groups to the point where he freezes up and has a facial expression that makes him look like Carrot-Top and often ends up running out of the room crying (again just like Carrot-Top). They aren't the only two people to move into town as we also have Haru (last name unknown) who is a self proclaimed alien that carries around a fishing rod but sadly Haru has nowhere to stay. While walking around he manages to run into Yuki's moderately attractive grandma while she is unpacking and asks if he could move in with them. She accepts but Yuki is unaware of this as he is at school while this conversation was taking place. Haru arrives late and sits next to Yuki in his nervous Carrot-Top state and sprays him in the face with his water pistol that he carries around. After Yuki awakens from getting sprayed he finds that time has suddenly flown by and he is dancing in front of the whole class and gets sprayed again. Yuki gets freaked out wondering why he keeps passing out and gets sprayed again. Turns out that Haru was telling the truth and is in fact a real alien and he uses water to control people. The reason he is on Earth is to find someone to go fishing with but doesn't tell Yuki why fishing is important for Haru's mission. Sadly Yuki and Haru are very clueless about fishing so they go to the bait shop and run into one of their other classmates named Natsuki Usami who is an expert fisherman to the point where he has the nickname "The Fishing Prince". Yuki and Haru ask Natsuki to teach them to fish and thus begins our adventure in what I like to call "Fishing With the Alien" (a title that parodies the classic album "Surfing With the Alien" by Joe Satriani). Did I forget to mention that Haru is also being watched by an investigator with a pet duck (like the Men In Black but with a duck) called Duck? Looks like Haru is going to need a bigger boat. (Click "Read More" to read the full review).
Daily Lives of High School Boys is an animated comedy series about a group of ordinary boys who go to an ordinary all-boys high school. The main characters in this mundane show are: Tadakumi who is the more serious one that has a part time job working at a pizza place and despite being one the major characters he is often cut out of skits due to being "uninteresting" (don't worry, it's only an ongoing joke). Hidenori is the more cheeky one who likes to mess around with his friends and likes to read on the riverbank while waiting for his friends to get off their job and is often stalked by a girl with long black hair. Yoshitake is the delinquent of the group with blond hair and also likes to play around although he is kind of an idiot. While not at school they are always hanging around at each others houses either playing video games, using their imaginations to come up with real life role playing games or just stealing their sisters panties and wearing them on their head while they wear their bras under their shirts... yeah maybe this show isn't as mundane as I thought. (Click "Read More" to read the full review).
Let's Play Zafehouse Diaries Team 1: My D&D Group
I wish you all a very spooky Hallow-Beast fellow Beastians! I will attempt to see how far I can take some of my fellow friends and internet masters in the brutal Zombie Apocalypse of Zafehouse Diaries.
Chihayafuru Part 2 is the second (and final) volume of a show about a teenaged girl named Chihaya who runs a club that's dedicated to playing the card game Karuta. Karuta is a game where two players put down cards on each side of the field that have quotes from a series of poems written down on them and when a reader (the person whom reads the poems) reads the poem that matches the card the players have to pick up the card before the other one gets a chance to do so themselves. In this volume Chihaya has finally leveled up to "Rank A" (highest rank you can be) and is competing against the top dogs of the game and is quickly finding out that even though she is up there she still has a lot to learn about the game. Her team (that is also her Karuta Club) has also grown in terms of skill to the point where they are competing in some of the bigger tournaments and not just that but they are all also getting up there individually as well and all have the potential to go up a few ranks. Will the team grow to superstardom? Will Chihaya become the top of the top? I'm not going to answer those as I don't want to spoil but I can (and will) answer if this volume is good or not after the jump. (Click "Read More" for the full review).
Enjoy the 4th session of my current D&D campaign.
Joining us in this Quest in the Land of Thair is:
-Critical Failre as Daeron the Elf Cleric
-Jerry Terryfying as Mungore the Human Barbarian
Battle Girls: Time Paradox is an action comedy about Yoshino Hide, a female student in middle school that is always arriving late for school because she is always getting stuck on the train due to being too small to push her way out of the busy crowd. She finally makes it to class and tries to sneak in without her teacher looking but she gets caught. After school she gets called in to see the teacher and the teacher has some very bad news. Yoshino Hide's grades are slipping on a very steep level and if she doesn't improve on her studies she'll have to repeat that grade all over again. On her way home she gets desperate and decides to go to a shrine so she can pray for good luck. While she is there she also spends the last of her money (all 10 cents of it) on a charm for her mobile phone. While trying to put the money in the cash box she drops it all and chases after it and spots something unusual behind a window. It looks like somebody meditating in the shrine with a bright blue glow around her. Yoshino Hide distracts the woman and they both get swept up right into the light. Yoshino Hide wakes up and ends up in a burning village where she is rescued by a big warrior princes named Oda Nobunaga. Oda Nobunaga thanks her and starts walking home but notices that the scenery is not the same and returns back to Oda Nobunaga's castle and stays there until she figures out how to get home. Next morning she discovers that she is actually stuck in another year and not just that as she has also somehow altered the past to create another timeline where men don't exist (EGADS). While trying to figure out how to get back to the right time she also accepts to help Oda Nobunaga find all the pieces of a legendary armor that is said to give the person who wears it the power to rule over all of the land. (Click "Read More" to read the full review).
Mononoke is a supernatural mystery show about an unnamed medicine seller that likes to hunt down demons. You might remember him from appearing in the episode "Goblin Cat" from the horror anthology series called Samurai Horror Tales (you can check out the review to that here. ). While this isn't a horror anthology it does stay true to it's roots and keeps the same format it had in Samurai Horror Tales. If you don't know what I'm on about then let me explain on how this show format works. This show is portrayed like a stage play with episodes split into acts... Yeah very basic stuff. Now since this is following the same format as Samurai Horror Tales I will describe what happens in each episode separately as opposed to a general description of what the show is about otherwise this paragraph will just be the first sentence alone. So let's get into it shall we? And yes I must do the traditional horror anthology running gag *ahum ahum* BOOOOOOOOOO!! (Ghost noises). (Click "Read More" to read the full review).
Check out these awesome channels:
The army gets told of this but they refuse to give up the only thing protecting them from being wiped out. What's worse is that the guys grandson is copping it from his fellow soldiers. They instead go to convince the Prime Minister and he accepts but on one condition: They must take out Godzilla first. Everybody is happy with that but Mechagodzilla is still in repair. The army also find something shocking and that was the corpse of a giant sea-turtle (a possible cameo from Gamera perhaps?) washed up on the beach and it died from fatal wounds to the head from being attacked by Godzilla. This can only mean that Godzilla is near and is getting ready to wreck havoc on Tokyo yet again. The army has no choice but to launch Mechagodzilla into battle. Poor Mechagodzilla, it doesn't matter if he wins or loses as he must be destroyed in the end. (Click "Read More" to read the full review).
Later that night the little boy hears a weird noise coming from outside so he goes to look out his window. What the boy sees is simply amazing with a big giant dragonfly coming out of the wormhole to drop off something and then return back into the hole. The boy goes outside to check out what was dropped off and what he finds is an egg. The boy has moved into the city and decides to toss the egg down the sewer due to it being too wet (I don't like where this is going). The egg hatches in the sewer followed by a hilarious scene of the baby dragonfly spewing on people and them eating them in what looks like a mild case of tentacle sexual assault mixed with chilidog making. Next day we see Osaka flooded and the baby dragonfly dead floating in the ocean from losing a fight against Godzilla. The G-Graspers go out to check the carcass in their very awesome aircraft. Once they get there they get attacked by Godzilla but they manage to get away. Unfortunately for them the dragonfly had laid several eggs under the water and they are getting ready to hatch (save us Aquaman). (Click "Read More" to read the full review).
Greetings giant monster movie fans, James Kaiser here bringing the next installment of "Insert name here" Week "insert year" special. While that sounds like a terrible way to boot this paragraph up (actually its a bloody awful way of starting) you are bound to like the theme for this week as it's all about Godzilla. Unlike the last week long special I did (Bleach Week) that ran for five days (a working week as it's known) this one is going to take up all seven days (Monday to Sunday). Kicking off Godzilla Week 2013 we travel to the distant year of 1999 (and by distant I mean distantly in the past) where we see the start of a whole new era of Godzilla films called "The Millennium Series" with a film called Godzilla 2000. So get some Nikes on because RRRRRUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNN! IT'S GODZILLA WEEEEEEEEKKKKK!
Godzilla 2000 begins with some scientists erecting a electronic device that can send a signal to lure Godzilla onto land so a news paper reporter can snap some photos (not a good idea if you ask me). We then go to a lighthouse where we see the keeper sitting down and doing his job, out of nowhere he hears some very disturbing sounds and looks out the window to see Godzilla with a boat in his mouth (poor Popeye). Godzilla spots the scientist in their van and starts chasing them down in a very cool scene where you see giant Godzilla feet stepping through the roof of a tunnel. The scientist manage to get away and Godzilla starts destroying the city of Tokyo in a scene that feels like a remake of the city scene from the original film. Meanwhile on the coastline we see some corporate dudes pulling out a meteorite from the ocean that looks like a big poop (not being crude or anything as it just does). The sun starts to rise and the meteorite rises along with it like two synchronized swimmers pulling off some flawless team work. Godzilla is still rampaging so they send the army to see if they can stop the big lovable amphibian. (Click "Read More" to read the full review).
Had the first open Playtest of Action Hero Fighter and it was epic! AHF is a pen and paper roleplaying game Im developing. It simulates the awesome action movies of the 80ies and 90ies. Join Magnum Powerstone (played by Alex Swingle) the tough brawler and Adrian Stryker the inventive sharpshooting, chainsmoking grizzled cop (played by Jordan Lennard ) as they face the Ninjas of the Scorpion Venom Clan and their leader the Master Ninja Cobra, who has their friend JuJuan Gamboa the tough ex Cuban Mobster slash deadly FBI Agent (played by Aksel Planch Jørgensen but not present for this game). This is the second playtest but the first public one and it was alot of fun. I learned alot and it will help to advance the development of the game.

The investigator returns later only to find them both dead (not from suicide if that's what you're all thinking). He goes to give them a proper burial and witnesses a miracle as once he buries the mummie's wife he hears some crying and sees a creepy demon baby crawl from out of his mothers grave, baby Kitaro is born (Yes I have Born In A Casket by Cannibal Corpse in my head also). The investigator freaks out and kicks the kid away and gets the heck out of there. Back at the monster couples house we see that the mummy (the kids father) is surprisingly still alive but just barely and we see his eye-ball crawl right out of his skull and runs to the cry of his baby boy who is freezing in the rain. He manages to get to his son and is very happy to see that he is okay and tries to find a house to where he can leave his baby to be raised as he is in no condition to raise him being a walking eye-ball and all. He takes baby Kitaro to the investigators house and the investigator mans up and raises him. Several years have passed with Kitaro in school and we see the eye-ball return very happy and grateful that his son is alive and healthy. The family is back together but that's only the beginning of the story. (Click "Read More" for full review).

The final Champions Online game, enjoy!

Shintai and Jerry team up to talk about quite possibly the best Metal Gear spin of to date.
Hey guys, time for some serious buisness. A friend of mine named Steve Fillmore has a nasty type of cancer and is asking for donations, so his treatment can continue. He and fiance have been working 2 jobs to sustain the treatments and live. Now they are getting to the point where their insurance will be cancelled if they don't pay theyre outstanding dept. That means no more treatments for him, no more chemo therapy, blood tests or nessesary surgeries. Read more here in this link:
Read it and consider donating. Spread the word, post this on your social websites etc and a help a good man and his fiance to have a future together.
This is a review of The Last Story for the Nintendo Wii. This game was developed by Mistwalker, AQ Interactive and published by XSEED Games.
Whenever I start a video game series I being with the first entry. This way you don't have to deal with taking a step back in game play mechanics. I say this because as I was looking into jumping into the second Phantasy Star Portable I kept running into the advice to just skip the first game which I had really enjoyed.