Transformers Armada Collection One is the first exciting volume of the early-2000's adaptation of the classic robot toy line. This version of Transformers starts off with a montage of the great Cybertron war and how the Autobots and Decepticons are fighting over smaller robots called "Mini-Cons". The Autobots end up sealing up the Micro-cons up in their own little dimension where they can be free and to also stop the Decepticons from using their power for evil as the Micro-cons are very powerful weapons. That doesn't stop the Decepticons from trying to destroy the Autobots and the two rival factions have a gigantic space battle which leads to the Autobots crashing into planet Earth while the Decepticons crash land into the Moon ("The Moon Moon?" to quote Ducktales (wooOOOhh)). Millions of years have past and we flash forward to a high school where we are introduced to three teenagers named: Bradley, Carlos, and Alexis. On one beautiful day we see the teenagers going spelunking in a mountain and come across mysterious devices deep inside the mountain. The mysterious devices are the Mini-cons and they end up partnering with the teens. After they have left the cave they are immediately confronted with a very angry Megatron who is after their Mini-cons. Before they are crushed by Megatron they are saved by a newly revived Optimus Prime who they become friends with shortly after. Optimus explains to the teens that something happened to the Mini-cons and now they are scattered all across the Earth and he recruits the teenagers to help the Autobots find the Mini-cons and stop the Decepticons. (Click "Read More" to read the full review).
The Next Round Team tries to survive the Zombie Holocaust long enough to get saved by a chopper.
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This episode is up a little early to make sure it actually makes it out. A new baby is due in my family on Tuesday. Enjoy some talk about Steam games, TTT, bundles, Civilization III, and some bold bold words.
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Hiiro no Kakera Season Two is a romantic fantasy show and contains the second part of this show's storyline titled "The Tamayori Princess Saga". Continuing right after the first season where we see our characters recovering after getting their butts whooped and moping over a very precious artifact taken from them by a group called Logos (pronounced "Low-gose" and not to be confused with "Low Goose"). This is where we see the toll of being a guardian really effecting the Five Guardians (Takuma Onizaki, Mahiro Atori, Yuichi Komura, Shinji Inukai, and Suguru Oomi) as we see Shinji and Suguru getting really sick of all the fighting. The two of them end up going to the enemy (Logos) to talk to them about something mysterious. Turns out Shinji has a dark past with them and just wants to talk with Logo's leader whom is a little girl named Aria Rozenburg. Suguru is going there for even darker means as he wants to join up with them outright. Shinji ends up getting treated like crap and is booted out while Suguru is accepted and Is now part of Logo's higher ranks. Tamaki Kasuga (the Tamayori Princess) is also facing some trouble as without the artifacts the seal that holds a world destroying demon has grown very weak and in order to seal the demon up for good they must do the unthinkable... They must sacrifice the Tamayori Princess as the seal requires her blood to lock up the demon and save the world. Takuma isn't happy at all about the situation and he starts trying his best to protect her from her dark fate. (Click "Read More" to read the full review).
Tiger Claw Radio returns after six months of silence to discuss Magfest 12 and the events taking place in the subsequent six months. Rock and roll!
Listen/grab the episode here.
Transformers Animated Season One is an animated show about a group of Autobots (Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Bulkhead, and Prowl) who were put in charge of repairing broken machines that were shot down in battle. While they are digging around on an asteroid for parts they begin talking about a very powerful device called "The Allspark" which they all think is a myth. Shortly after we see an explosion and from out of that explosion we just happen to see that the Allspark just happened to be (conveniently) buried in that asteroid. As soon as they dig out the Allspark they get caught up in a battle with the Decepticons (lead by Megatron) whom have been searching the entire galaxy for the Allspark. Megatron gets into an intense battle with Optimus Prime but is finished abruptly due to Starscream's clever placement of a bomb on Megatron's back. Starscream takes control of the Decepticons but his moment of glory is cut short when something bad (which I won't say) happens to him. The Autobots and Megatron end up crashing into a modern day planet Earth with the Autobots crashing into the ocean while Megatron crashes into a farm where a young boy finds him. Fifty years later we cut to a futuristic Detroit, Michigan where the Autobots awaken from their slumber. After the Autobots repair themselves they run into a battle with a giant insect and make friends with a little girl named Sari who manages to get a key to the Allspark. Now the Autobots must protect the Allspark and Sari from evil that want the Allspark's great power and/or to destroy Detroit. (Click "Read More" to read the full review).
Magnum Poundstone and Adrian Stryker attempt to stop a evil plot by the Scorpion Venom Corporation to sink a luxury liner and steal and atomic bomb!
Two cops try to stop a hopeless hostage situation. Alex Swingle is the Director and Kaiser and Darabka are the players/actors.