This show is set in the year 1998 and the reason I bring that up is because it also has the same vibe as a horror film from that very same era (late-nineties - early-two-thousands). The story is pretty decent with a very spooky setting that feels like something from "The Ring (1998)". The way that this mystery unfolds is pretty well done and the ending to the whole thing was done very brilliantly and it does leave you guessing until to the very end. I was a little bit disappointed with the violence as I was expecting it to be a gore-fest in every episode, we do get some horrifically gory scenes that reminded me of the ones found in "Final Destination (2000)" and they are very satisfying but there could've been a little more. Characters are pretty decent although they can feel a bit generic at times but are still quite enjoyable nonetheless (just like your standard teen horror flick when I think about it). I hope you have a full day ahead of you as this show is best watched all at once as it's pretty much one long movie due to each episode picking up right after eachother. Actually really surprised they didn't cut out all the credits and just made it into a movie.
Artwork has a very dark, gloomy look that radiates a very cold aura from its atmosphere. Character designs are pretty good with some nice cute designs that are also pretty detailed. Backgrounds are fairly detailed with realistic style settings that just beg me to want to see them for myself. Animation is very smooth and it gets even better in the final episodes and not to mention it gets really intense during the death scenes. English dub decent with the voice actors playing the characters very well but it is also a little generic. Soundtrack fits well with the shows creepy atmosphere and it did make me feel a little bit uncomfortable like someone is watching me.
Special features include a special music video that starts Mei and you also get text-less opening and closing credit sequences. They weren't bad to watch and the music in the music video was very enjoyable with a very relaxing sound. Overall this was a very decent show and I do recommend checking this one out. This show is also one of those that you can watch with your friends during movie night with a big bowl of pop-corn and some drinks. Fun viewing.
Title: Another
Animation Studio: P.A. Works
Genre: Animation/Anime, Horror
Running Time: 300 Minutes (12 Episodes)
Distributor: Hanabee Entertainment (http://www.hanabee.com.au/)
Rating: MA15+ (Strong supernatural themes, Animated violence)
Price: $64.99
Recommended: Yes
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