Due to the way Kindle works I can't offer this issue for free so it's marked at $0.99. However as always I recommend the PDF version as we're able to put more effort into it's appearance. I do know that there are people that prefer the Kindle version so it will always be available but sadly I can't have free give-aways.
Fresh Contents
Bro Ops: My best co op gaming moments
Training to reclaim the Ninja Golf High Score
Super Gameboy VS Super Gameboy 2
Empowerment and Disempowerment in Games
The Media Zone
Jerry’s Schwag Bag Mario Tennis Balls
Retrokaiser’s Media Pyramid
Japanese Anarchy Reigns Demo breakdown
Ketto Beast Wars for GBC
Sonic the Lost Worlds (Re-production cart)
Series Review: Capcom Robot Trilogy -
- Armored Warriors
- Cyberbots
- Tech Romancer
Dragon’s Lair 360
Mine Craft Xbox 360
Sega vintage collection 360 Monster World
Apollo Justice
On the Site
ur mag is put together really well though
pretty awesome what u have made so far
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